Monday, October 10, 2011

Field Notes Set #1

field notes on dancehall
-digitalized reggae/”ragga”...faster paced than more standard reggae music
-riddim----->playing old tracks on new rhythms; reconfiguring old-school Jamaican sound in Kingston’s dancehalls...1970’s-90’s
-Violent lyrics, heavy bassline, womanizing lyrics
-Homophobia (Buju Banton most controversial) rights groups vs. dancehall artists
-HAILE SELASSIE always mentioned in lyrics-->Ethiopian, messiah in Jamaican/Rasta tradition
-ghetto youth in Kingston ..advancement? diaspora-->changing aims of genre
-hybridization (hip hop/reggae)..USA/Jamaica interchange
-clothes/materialism..chains “jeans & fitted” look but expensive stuff shades
-videos-->women thick hips, tight jeans, navels showing...
-cake soap/skin bleach/skin color-power dynamics...why women bleach faces
*straight, pointy noses>kinky/nappy hair in jamaican ideals of desirability..Brown>black skin
  • “Browning”--a woman with skin the color of brown sugar idealized (kinda like Maira/caste system narrative?) 
Dancehall party on campus-October 7, 2011
-Mostly Brown University students, some from Tolman HS in Pawtucket 
-wall dances...both men & women utilizing wall for gyration on Sean Paul song, Rihanna rmx.
-mostly black and latino students, most students dancing come from east coast (pawtucket/pvd, boston, nyc area)
-dress-->not unlike any typical party apparel...v necks/jeans for boys, some fitted caps, very little  overly expensive garb... women dressed more modestly than in dancehall video circuit
-soundtrack-->heavily mixed between dancehall and hip hop, some remixes that blur the lines significantly...
-2 songs have the same riddim-->prompt the same choreography despite having distinct creators/musicians..
-dutty wine circle-->men and women thrash heads around in middle...same as what I’ve seen at orientation dances
-nobody on the ground...”winin” limited to wall and to each other...sexualized dancing was limited to men on women although some “reverse grinding” (men grinding on women, women “receiving”)

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